Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I've been gone in November

How the heck did I live through a whole month of November and fail to publish one blog? I guess you can say, I've been gone in November, gone in November, gone in November (I can hear the boos already....lame, just lame Tony, why, oh why are you infringing on Wyclef's intellectual property like that). But it's the truth, I have been gone in November.

I had the blessing to have friends from back home visit me here. Laila, Leia, and I, spent time in Da Lat, Saigon, Hanoi, Ha Long, then Hai Phong. It was good to be able to share Vietnam with friends. For better or for worse, they now have "Nam" stories to recount.

I realize as much as I want it so, blog writing is not journal writing. I have been writing journals lately, and although I do humbly think they make for interesting readings, I don't think the VN gov would agree. There's an honesty that I have been advised to avoid, and that sucks, because I think the underlying quality to good writing is honesty, in the emotional and philosophical sense. But don't fret, if you're willing to do some sleuthing, there will be an uncensored link eventually.

Now that November is gone, I can say with some degree of research that this tends to be the wall or hump period for vols like myself. I think the first couple of months is the honey moon period, where you're just in love with everything new, and now that the holidays are here, you become a little homesick or foodsick for things like turkey, pumpkin pies, peppered bacon, and the such. Strangely, I even miss things I remember as annoyances, like the bickering of drunken family members and getting shoved around by xmas shoppers. Luckily, you can go to any market in VN and get shoved around while you're engulfed by the sounds of drunken bickering.

That's it for now, the triple shot of rum coffee is beginning to fade away, and with it, any coherent thought as well.

More to come from December.

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